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Farewell to the workforce forever,
Farewell to my clients as well,
Farewell to the well-known procedures,
That once made our lives such a hell.
Chorus: Singing too-ral li-ooral li-ad-dity
Singing too-ral li-ooral li-ay,
Singing too-ral li-ooral li-ad-dity
For I’m bound for Batemans Bay.
I’m surplus, redundant, not wanted,
Excess to their ongoing need,
They’ve lost all their corporate memory
But that’s not a factor they heed.
They looked at my deepening wrinkles,Chorus
I’d bought a bush block many years ago,Chorus
So if you’re all still public servants,But I’m laughing right down to the Bay.
Copyright © D.W. Walker, 2000