My name is David Walker. Since there are other David Walkers already published, I usually use my initials (DW), but where the context is clear, I use David.
I live in Canberra, Australia. I have worked as a research physicist, and a designer and developer of computer systems, and have taught at tertiary level in these areas.
Most of my writing is satirical and often doesn't fit comfortably into the standard genres. Some can be labelled speculative fiction (because it is futuristic or set on other planets) but is sometimes accused of not being that, while others are more "finding out" stories, more akin to mysteries (though usually lacking dead bodies). I also draw cartoons.
Published works include a novel (A Plastic Paradise, set in Canberra in the future), two computing text books (one co-authored) and lots of short stories and cartoons, a very small amount of poetry, and song words for the Shiny Bum Singers.
Updated 25/6/07